“ This is a warning note for all those who are planning to submit their assignment on the last date of submission. Any delay or rejection will be on his/her responsibility if the system rejects and/or delays your submitted work.”
You can still upload your assignment after
3 days of the due date but with a penalty of 10% of the full mark for each delayed day.
Important note:
If the student resubmits the assignment after the specified submission date, the procedures for late submission of the assignments will be applied to him/her
If the mark is out of 100, the subtraction will be as shown in the table below:
first day of delay |
(10 degrees) |
Second day of delay |
(20 degrees) |
Third day of delay |
(30 degrees) |
- http://www.scanmyessay.com/
- http://www.paperrater.com/plagiarism_checker#
- http://www.grammarly.com/plagiarism-checker/
- http://www.plagtracker.com/
- http://plagiarisma.net/
- http://plagiarismdetector.net/
- http://www.plagscan.com/