Arab Open University – Egypt
Registration Calendar for the second Semester 2023/2024
Registration Instructions :
The max. limit for registration in a semester is 21 credit hours for those with a GPA of 2.00 and above, and a max. of 16 hours for those who is less than a GPA of 2.00.
Considering that three and a half years pass for graduation for the regular student, and at least two years pass for the student transferred from another branch.
Pay all the old expenses before the registration process, in addition to 30% of the first semester fees as a minimum for continuing students. As for
new students or the
student expected to graduate in the first semester, must pay the
full expenses.
Registration is considered cancelled unless payment is made within Four days from the date of registration. The university will not return the cancelled registration, and the student can re-register through (SIS), the student has the right to register the courses Again Within 8 Days since the first registration in the case of not paying the fees then the registration will be blocked for 2 days, so, others can register in sections.
If (SIS) did not cancel the registration of the student who did not pay the fees, the student will be responsible financially and legally.
Make sure of the study plan before registering, and the university is not responsible for any mistake in registration. Registration is the student's full responsibility.